Built-in NDIS pricing

Stay in step with the NDIS pricing arrangements and limits with GoodHuman’s built-in NDIS pricing automation.


Stay in sync with the latest NDIS pricing changes

Surprise price guide update? GoodHuman have you covered. All pricing updates are automatically applied to the system the same day the changes are enacted, so you can get on with your day knowing that any new or existing bookings are up to date.


Generate accurate line items for every service agreement

Stop spending time looking up line items and let GoodHuman pick the right ones for you.

With the latest NDIS pricing arrangements built into the system, GoodHuman automatically generates the most relevant line item to charge for a booking based on your customer’s digital service agreement and the time, location and service offered – saving you time and keeping you compliant.


Auto-charge claims or add them during delivery

Ensure a smoother claiming process and include charges for travel, non-face-to-face and more at the point of service delivery. GoodHuman automatically applies the relevant claim type to a booking based on real-time booking data, including:

  • Team member travel
  • Non face-to-face
  • Report writing
  • Telehealth supports
  • Irregular supports
All features

Explore more features for every part of your team, from service delivery to compliance.

Service agreements

Automation you won't see anywhere else.


Audit-proof your organisation with GoodHuman.


Automatically generate invoices for the correct service, every time, on time.

Customer records

Deliver customer-directed care at scale with comprehensive customer records management.

Incident reporting

Automate the paper trail with incident workflows and get the right people to take action when it matters.


Simplify your rostering with a smart system that helps you to manage changes on the fly.
