Demystify the art of budgeting with customer budget insights in GoodHuman.

Get a birds-eye view of customer spending
Get immediate insights into customer’s service spending with budget status badges that provide high-level indication of whether they are on-track, overspending or underspending against their allocated budget.

Track spend in a way that makes sense to you
Get out of excel once and for all. Sophisticated graphs, time view approximations and hourly cadence helps you get instant feedback on spend over time
Plan ahead and make adjustments on the fly
Get real-time data of customer’s planned and projected spend of any service.

Break down budgets by line item
Take a deep dive into specific instances that make up a customer’s budget by looking at the spend per category, or get even more granular to explore spend per line item.
Optimise your hours claimed
See whether the pace that you are currently claiming for support coordination services for each customer is going over, under, or on track to meet their ideal allocated budget per week.